Free Webinar – A Case Series of High-Risk Diversion Investigations Utilizing Bloodborne Pathogen Testing
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The Tennessee Department of Health developed a collaborative investigative process to determine the risk of bloodborne pathogen transmission from licensed healthcare workers engaging in drug diversion. We then recommend public health action and provide consultation to improve drug diversion programs, including bloodborne pathogen testing, external language for employment verification, and inclusion of infection preventionists on drug diversion teams.
Presented by Speakers
Michelle Nation, RN, BSN, MHIA, CIC
Michelle Nation BSN, MHIA, RN, CIC has bachelor’s degrees in microbiology and nursing and a master’s in healthcare informatics and administration. Infection Control was perfect for bringing her background in microbiology and project management into her nursing career. She spent a year at the University of Nebraska’s Neurology unit before moving to a community acute care facility in Maryland, where she worked the Cardiac and Med/Surge Units, and then moved into an Infection Preventionist role in 2014. She earned her Certification in Infection Control and Epidemiology (CIC) in 2016. Michelle was working at Vanderbilt Stallworth Rehabilitation Hospital for three years as their IP/Employee Health Nurse before joining the TN Department of Health CEDEP HAI/AR Team as an Infection Prevention Specialist.
Ashley Gambrell
Ashley Gambrell is an Epidemiologist with the Tennessee Department of Health’s Healthcare-associated Infections and Antimicrobial Resistance Team. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Biology at Middle Tennessee State University and her Master of Public Health in Epidemiology at Emory University. She is a member of the Drug Diversion Investigations Team at TDH, where she works with other epidemiologists, pharmacists, and infection preventionists to investigate cases of injectable drug diversion and assist facilities in assessing patient harm, organizing patient notification and bloodborne pathogen testing, and advocating for Drug Diversion Programs in facilities across the state.
Callyn Wren, PharmD, BCIDP
Callyn Wren, PharmD, BCIDP earned her bachelor’s degree in medicinal chemistry and her Doctor of Pharmacy from Palm Beach Atlantic University. She completed a pharmacy practice residency at Maury Regional Medical Center in Columbia, TN, and an infectious diseases pharmacy residency at HCA Healthcare in Nashville, TN. She is passionate about antimicrobial stewardship and spends her time focused on both outpatient and inpatient stewardship programs with the Tennessee Department of Health. She also leads the drug diversion investigation team as it relates to infection control practices.